Kyle Chomyn

Iron & Steel Technologies Market Manager
Kyle Chomyn

Kyle Chomyn

Iron & Steel Technologies Market Manager


Join Kyle for the following presentation:

Green Steel Production Using Advanced Melting Furnace Technology

May 17, 2022
11:30 a.m -12:00 p.m.
Location 407

The future of steelmaking requires significant process changes for the reduction of carbon emissions. One approach uses direct reduced iron (DRI) with an electric arc furnace; however, this poses challenges when using lower-grade ores/pellets and with hydrogen-DRI. This paper describes a higher yield/efficiency method, using an electric melting furnace to convert DRI more effectively into pig iron for use in the steel shop. The melting furnace leverages advanced furnace technology developed over 60+ years for iron/ferro-nickel applications. This approach eases the shift to green steelmaking by using existing facilities and pellet supply chains, while providing higher yields and reduced life cycle costs.